21 May 2023

GRID 2023 Spotlight - The Philippines: overlapping disaster impacts and the importance of monitoring displacement


DescriptionLocated on the Pacific Ring of Fire and in East Asia’s typhoon belt, the Philippines is one of the countries most affected by disaster displacement globally.202 Storms tend to account for the majority of the movements, and 2022 – when they triggered 4.6 million – was no exception. The figure represents 85 per cent of the disaster displacements recorded for the country during the year. Many were repeated movements of people who had fled previous disasters.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2023 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 21 May 2023

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