21 May 2023

GRID 2023 Spotlight - Madagascar: storms and drought trigger displacement and heighten food insecurity

DescriptionA combination of poverty, vulnerability and exposure to a wide range of hazards make Madagascar one of the world’s most disaster-prone countries.90 Severe storms last year came on top of an ongoing drought that reduced soil absorption capacity and increased the impacts of floods and other disasters, many of which struck informal urban settlements. The combined effects of slow and sudden-onset disasters aggravated food insecurity and led to 291,000 internal displacements, the highest figure ever recorded for the country.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2023 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 21 May 2023

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