1 Jan 2009

Distribution of housing damage in extensive flood and heavy rain loss reports in Tamil Nadu, India (1970–2007)

Description: In Tamil Nadu, India there is a concentration of extensive risk housing damage around urban centres in the north-east of the state. While poorly studied, flooding would seem to be associated with the high level of urbanization and associated problems of settlement of low-lying areas, increased run-off and inadequate drainage. In Chennai, for example, 18.9% of the urban population was living in slums in 2001. However, the other concentration of housing damage is along the floodplain of the Kaveri River, in the watershed of the Ponnaiyar River and in the Kambam Valley. Tamil Nadu has a long history of chain-tank irrigation – a system that has fallen into disuse. Much flood damage in rural areas is associated with chain-tank failure and the silting of irrigation channels. In upland areas, increasing extensive flood risk may be associated with issues of environmental degradation.
Published in: ISDR (2009) Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland.
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