23 May 2022

Total number of IDPs by disasters as of 31 December 2021 (IDMC GRID 2022)


DescriptionAt least 5.9 million people were living in internal displacement as a result of disasters at the end of 2021 across 84 countries and territories. This is only the third year that we have compiled such a global figure, and it should be considered a significant underestimate. Afghanistan, China and the Philippines had the highest figures, accounting for more than three million. Most of the people still displaced by disasters in Afghanistan were forced to flee their homes before 2021, the majority by drought and floods that have affected the country since 2018. Some of our estimates for China and the Philippines are based on housing destruction data, because both countries tend to be significantly affected by typhoons that cause widespread devastation of this type.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

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