23 May 2022

Spotlight – Water scarcity, conflict and displacement in Central Asia

Description: The Fergana valley is a vast area of irrigated land that stretches across southern Kyrgyzstan, northern Tajikistan and eastern Uzbekistan. It is the most densely populated area in Central Asia and is experiencing rapid population growth. The valley has a history of conflict and violence, including border clashes stemming from geographical divisions imposed during the Soviet era.
Published in: Global Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Germany: Floods trigger the highest displacement in years


Description: A low-pressure weather system brought heavy rainfall across western Europe in mid-July 2021, which led to severe flooding that triggered at least 84,000 displacements across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Germany was badly affected,  especially on 14 and 15 July, when catastrophic floods in the western states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate killed 182 people and triggered around 16,000 displacements, the highest figure for the country since 2013.459 It was Germany’s costliest ever disaster and the deadliest in more than 60 years
Published in: 
Global Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
© IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Haiti: Violence and disasters trigger highest displacement in a decade

DescriptionThe humanitarian situation in Haiti deteriorated in 2021, the result of increasing gang violence, consecutive disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic. Conflict and violence triggered 20,000 internal displacements, an increase of 157 per cent on 2020 and the highest ever recorded for the country. Disasters prompted another 220,000. The country was struggling with a contracting economy and deepening poverty, which were driving instability and insecurity even before the onset of Covid-19. Criminal and gang violence have been on the increase since 2018. It was initially concentrated in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area but has since spread, forcing growing numbers of people to flee their homes.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Afghanistan: A surge in urban displacement

DescriptionAfghanistan’s 2020 peace process raised hopes that a solution to the country’s conflict was within reach, but these faded in 2021 when talks stalled.301 As foreign forces began their final drawdown on 1 May, the Taliban launched a nationwide offensive that culminated in the capture of Kabul on 15 August.302 The fighting triggered 72 per cent of the 723,000 internal displacements reported in 2021, the highest figure ever recorded for the country.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Papua New Guinea: the changing face of violence


DescriptionDespite not making international headlines, intercommunal clashes in Papua New Guinea’s most remote inland regions and a surge in criminal violence in urban areas triggered 9,500 internal displacements in 2021, the highest figure recorded since data became available for the country in 2014.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Myanmar: Disaster displacement, the other side of the crisis


DescriptionConflict in Myanmar reached new levels in 2021. A military takeover on 1 February and the unrest and fighting that ensued triggered 448,000 internal displacements, six times more than in 2020 and the highest figure ever recorded for the country.233 These events dominated the headlines, but disasters also triggered more than 158,000 displacements, aggravating the needs of communities also affected by conflict and violence.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – China: Henan floods

DescriptionChina records some of the highest numbers of disaster displacement globally each year. Most are pre-emptive evacuations ahead of major storms and floods that take place during the monsoon season, which runs from May to September. Disasters triggered 6 million internal displacements in 2021, and one event – flooding in Henan province between 16 and 31 July – accounted for 25 per cent of them. Almost 15 million people in 150 counties were affected and 398 lost their lives.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight - Palestine: escalation of hostilities aggravates crisis


DescriptionThere were more than 118,000 internal displacements associated with conflict and violence in Palestine in 2021, the second highest figure on record after the 501,000 triggered by the 2014 conflict in the Gaza Strip. Most of the displacement was the result of escalating hostilities between Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups and the Israeli military in Gaza in May, but property destruction, including home demolitions and seizures, forced evictions and a coercive environment also forced people to flee in the West Bank.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Sudan: A five-fold increase in internal displacement


DescriptionThe humanitarian situation in Sudan deteriorated significantly in 2021, as intercommunal violence intensified and the number of IDPs increased to 3.2 million.90 Around 442,000 internal displacements were reported during the year, more than five times the figure for the previous year and the highest since 2014.91 The increase was mainly the result of the escalating violence, but better access to affected areas also improved the quantity and quality of data available, painting a more accurate picture of the displacement situation.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Spotlight – Ethiopia: crisis in the north leads to unprecedented displacement (IDMC GRID 2022)

DescriptionThere are 33 million children and young people under 25 living in internal displacement, of which 25.2 million are children under 18 and 11.4 million are young people between 15 and 24 years old. Millions are forced to flee their homes every year, leaving many unable to go to school, without enough to eat, with little access to healthcare, at risk of abuse and violence and traumatised by the events they have witnessed. Displacement can also tear families apart to the severe detriment of their wellbeing. Many children are displaced for years and some young adults spent their entire childhood in displacement, which compounds the negative effects they may be experiencing. Those living in protracted displacement are severely set back in fulfilling their potential, and there have been repeated calls to better protect and support them. Displacement’s impacts on children and youth are not equally felt. Their experiences vary depending on their age, gender and other characteristics. Neither are the impacts felt only by the individuals in question, but also by their families and communities. Nor are they felt only locally or in the moment. They have repercussions on economies and societies as a whole for years and even generations to come.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022 

Total number of internally displaced children by conflict, violence and disasters as of 31 December 2021 (IDMC GRID 2022)

DescriptionThere are 33 million children and young people under 25 living in internal displacement, of which 25.2 million are children under 18 and 11.4 million are young people between 15 and 24 years old. Millions are forced to flee their homes every year, leaving many unable to go to school, without enough to eat, with little access to healthcare, at risk of abuse and violence and traumatised by the events they have witnessed. Displacement can also tear families apart to the severe detriment of their wellbeing. Many children are displaced for years and some young adults spent their entire childhood in displacement, which compounds the negative effects they may be experiencing. Those living in protracted displacement are severely set back in fulfilling their potential, and there have been repeated calls to better protect and support them. Displacement’s impacts on children and youth are not equally felt. Their experiences vary depending on their age, gender and other characteristics. Neither are the impacts felt only by the individuals in question, but also by their families and communities. Nor are they felt only locally or in the moment. They have repercussions on economies and societies as a whole for years and even generations to come.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Total number of IDPs by disasters as of 31 December 2021 (IDMC GRID 2022)


DescriptionAt least 5.9 million people were living in internal displacement as a result of disasters at the end of 2021 across 84 countries and territories. This is only the third year that we have compiled such a global figure, and it should be considered a significant underestimate. Afghanistan, China and the Philippines had the highest figures, accounting for more than three million. Most of the people still displaced by disasters in Afghanistan were forced to flee their homes before 2021, the majority by drought and floods that have affected the country since 2018. Some of our estimates for China and the Philippines are based on housing destruction data, because both countries tend to be significantly affected by typhoons that cause widespread devastation of this type.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

Total number of IDPs by conflict and violence as of 31 December 2021(IDMC GRID 2022)


DescriptionAn unprecedented 53.2 million people were living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence at the end of the year across 59 countries and territories. This is an increase of 5.8 million compared with 2020, driven mostly by growing numbers of IDPs in Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Yemen. Their number also remained worryingly high in Syria, DRC and Colombia, which between them accounted for nearly a third of the global total. The global figure includes not only people displaced last year, but also those who fled their homes several years or even decades ago. The overwhelming majority of the IDPs in Nigeria, for example, have been living in displacement for five to seven years, while most of those in Mozambique have been displaced over the course of the past 24 months.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 23 May 2022

22 May 2022

Internal displacements by conflict and disasters in 2021 (IDMC GRID 2022)


DescriptionConflict, violence and disasters triggered 38 million internal displacements across 141 countries and territories in 2021. The global  figure for conflict and violence was the highest ever recorded at 14.4 million, and individual countries including Ethiopia, the  Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Afghanistan also registered all-time highs. Many communities fled repeatedly as conflict frontlines shifted. Camps hosting internally displaced people (IDPs) were attacked in some countries, forcing people to move again. The global figure for disaster displacements was lower than in 2020 at 23.6 million. Large Asian countries including China, the Philippines and India recorded the highest figures as in previous years, but significant displacement also took place in smaller countries such as Haiti and Sri Lanka.
Published inGlobal Report on Internal Displacement 2022 - IDMC's Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) is the world’s leading source of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's edition includes a special focus on internally displaced children and youth. Full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 22 May 2022

2 May 2022

Les stratégies de financements liées à l’eau dans la région du Liptako-Gourma: les enjeux de la coopération entre l'humanitaire, le développement et la paix


Description: La priorisation de l’eau dans l’agenda international de réponse à la crise sécuritaire au Sahel constitue un enjeu majeur porté par des organisations et des experts dans les domaines de la paix, du développement, de l’humanitaire et de la sécurité. Cette étude sur les engagements budgétaires liés à l’eau dans les zones limitrophes du Liptako-Gourma vise à fournir une vue d’ensemble sur l’état des financements dans le domaine de l’eau et ses usages productifs. Cet état des lieux des stratégies de financement permet d’engager un dialogue sur les réponses à apporter à la crise sécuritaire structurées autour des trois enjeux : 1) la reconnaissance du rôle des acteurs locaux, 2) le renforcement des institutions endogènes de la région, 3) les mécanismes de coordination et de financement des acteurs du développement et de l’humanitaire. Des nouvelles formes de coopération dans le domaine de l’eau sont à développer pour oeuvrer à la résolution durable des crises au Sahel.
Published in: www.genevawaterhub.org/fr/LiptakoGourmaFinances
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, Geneva, May 2022.