31 Mar 2020

Agropastoral mediation in the Sahel : overview of the 129 municipalities of intervention

Description: The project “Agro-pastoral Mediation in the Sahel” aims to reduce conflict within and between agro-pastoral communities and along Sahelian transhumance routes through community mediation using traditional dialogue mechanisms. The project is implemented by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) which has valuable experience in agro-pastoral mediation and with traditional dialogue mechanisms in the Sahel, and can rely on its existing networks with national authorities of the G5 countries.
Published in: www.alliance-sahel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Factsheet-PDU_REG_UE_M%C3%A9diation-agro-pastorale-June-2021-EN.pdf
Copyright © Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva, 2020.

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