30 Nov 2020

Médiation agropastorale au Sahel : tour d'horizon des 129 communes d'intervention

Description: Face au risque de militarisation croissante des conflits agropastoraux, le Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD) a proposé en 2015 aux États du Mali, du Niger et du Burkina Faso un projet de médiation entre communautés nomades et sédentaires dans la zone des trois frontières. Légitimé par le mandat de médiation conféré par les États, HD s’est appuyé sur les leaders communautaires qui ont été mis en réseaux et les techniques ancestrales de médiation de manière à garantir l’appropriation et la pérennité de son action.
Published in: "Médiation agropastorale au Sahel" (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger et Tchad) at www.hdcentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mediation-agropastorale-au-Sahel.pdf
Copyright © 2021 – Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD)

Médiation agropastorale au Sahel : tour d’horizon des 129 communes d’intervention (3 frontières)

: Face au risque de militarisation croissante des conflits agropastoraux, le Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD) a proposé en 2015 aux États du Mali, du Niger et du Burkina Faso un projet de médiation entre communautés nomades et sédentaires dans la zone des trois frontières. Légitimé par le mandat de médiation conféré par les États, HD s’est appuyé sur les leaders communautaires qui ont été mis en réseaux et les techniques ancestrales de médiation de manière à garantir l’appropriation et la pérennité de son action.
Published in: "Médiation agropastorale au Sahel" (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger et Tchad) at www.hdcentre.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Mediation-agropastorale-au-Sahel.pdf
Copyright © 2021 – Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD)

7 Oct 2020

Selected water, agriculture, energy and environmental features of the North Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS)

Description: This Policy Brief highlights the main results of a participatory assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS). Shared by Algeria, Libya and Tunisia, the aquifer is among the largest transboundary groundwater reserves of North Africa, extending over one million square kilometres.
Published in: "Policy Brief : Improving sustainable development in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System through a transboundary nexus approach" and "Reconciling resource uses: Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System", UNECE. Download here.
Copyright © United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, 2020.

5 Oct 2020

Key water, agriculture, energy and environmental features of the NWSAS and surrounding areas

DescriptionThis Policy Brief highlights the main results of a participatory assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System (NWSAS). Shared by Algeria, Libya and Tunisia, the aquifer is among the largest transboundary groundwater reserves of North Africa, extending over one million square kilometres.
Published in: "Policy Brief : Improving sustainable development in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System through a transboundary nexus approach" and "Reconciling resource uses: Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System", UNECE. Download here.
Copyright © United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva, 2020.

23 Sept 2020

Identifying innovative pathways for solving water security challenges - IHDS Workshop 1

Description: Conducted in close collaboration between the Geneva Water Hub and UNEP/GRID-Geneva, this workshop provides substantial insights on the topics of water, peace and security and on the very nature of innovative thinking. It combines theoretical, methodological and practical inputs with interventions from the academia, practice and policymaking.
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, Geneva, September 2020.

31 Mar 2020

Casamance Base Map


Description: Casamance Base Map
Published in: -
Copyright © 2020 – Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD)

Casamance Population and Economic Map


Description: Casamance Population and Economic Map
Published in: -
Copyright © 2020 – Centre pour le dialogue humanitaire (HD)

Agropastoral mediation in the Sahel : overview of the 129 municipalities of intervention

Description: The project “Agro-pastoral Mediation in the Sahel” aims to reduce conflict within and between agro-pastoral communities and along Sahelian transhumance routes through community mediation using traditional dialogue mechanisms. The project is implemented by the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) which has valuable experience in agro-pastoral mediation and with traditional dialogue mechanisms in the Sahel, and can rely on its existing networks with national authorities of the G5 countries.
Published in: www.alliance-sahel.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Factsheet-PDU_REG_UE_M%C3%A9diation-agro-pastorale-June-2021-EN.pdf
Copyright © Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva, 2020.