1 Jan 2004


DescriptionComparing the size of exposed populations with the number of recorded deaths to tropical cyclones is used as a measure of relative vulnerability to tropical cyclone death. Those states closest to the top left-hand corner of the graph show highest relative vulnerability. A very large proportion of the population of Bangladesh is exposed to tropical cyclones, particularly the heavily populated rural communities along the fertile delta at the confined head of the Bay of Bengal. The large number of recorded deaths shows that in this case high vulnerability accompanies high physical exposure. Honduras and Nicaragua, while not among the countries with the highest physical exposure, appear as the most vulnerable countries in the period 1980-2000. This reflects the extraordinary magnitude and duration and the devastating human impact of Hurricane Mitch, which occurred in 1998.
Published in: Reducing Disaster Risk: A Challenge for Development - A Global Report.
Copyright © United Nations Development Programme, Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery, 2004. All Rights Reserved.

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