31 Aug 2022

50 years of tropical storms (1970-2021)

DescriptionStorms triggered 98.2 million internal displacements in the region during 2010−2021. Tropical cyclones - also referred to in the region as typhoons - account for 80% of total storm-related displacement. They bring high levels of rainfall causing floods, destructive wind gusts, and storm surges that destroy housing and infrastructure and disrupt basic service provision.
Published in: Disaster Displacement in Asia and the Pacific - A Business Case for Investment in Prevention and Solutions, presenting the disaster displacement trends in the region during 2010−2021 and providing insights into its social and economic impacts. The full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 31 August 2022

2010-2021 internal displacements triggered by disasters


Description: Most of the disaster displacement recorded globally has taken place in the Asia and Pacific region. An estimated 225.3 million internal displacements - or forced movements - were recorded during 2010−2021. Large-scale storms and floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions keep displacing millions of people every year across this vast region that is home to most of the world’s population.
Published in: Disaster Displacement in Asia and the Pacific - A Business Case for Investment in Prevention and Solutions, presenting the disaster displacement trends in the region during 2010−2021 and providing insights into its social and economic impacts. The full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © IDMC, 31 August 2022