22 Jun 2021

The Drama of Water in a Time of Global Transformation


DescriptionThe Geneva Water Hub and the International Association of the Lake Regions are pleased to announce the launch of this trilateral dialogue on innovative water diplomacy and effective management of water resources in the 21st century between thirty-six prominent Russian and International experts. The publication is intended to be a reference document for actors in hydropolitics, and water diplomacy.
Published inThe Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org, full report can be downloaded here.
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, June 2021

14 Jun 2021

Monthly Water Map n°4 - Large Dams of the World

DescriptionHydropower is a low-carbon source of energy that, in combination with other intermittent renewable energy technologies, plays an important role in mitigating climate change. In addition to electricity production, large dams (minimum height of 15 m.) are increasingly multipurpose infrastructures that provide public goods (flood mitigation or increased water storage) and contribute to development objectives (such as improving food production or supplying water in rural areas). Yet, such large infrastructure schemes may also have significant negative biophysical, socioeconomic and geopolitical impacts – debates between the advocates and opponents of large dams have been more of less ongoing for the last 40 years. Reaching a consensus on new projects can be elusive, but certainly requires the involvement of numerous stakeholders and an integrated assessment of all negative aspects alongside the positive ones.
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, June 2021