19 Sept 2019

Calculating the Cost of Doing Nothing - IFRC

Description: In its latest report, The Cost of Doing Nothing, the IFRC presents an analysis showing that if no urgent action is taken now, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance annually due to the climate crisis could double by 2050. Similarly, financial costs could balloon to 20 billion US dollars per year. In contrast with this pessimistic scenario, the report also shows that, if appropriate climate adaptation measures are taken now, these figures could also stabilize, and even drop. By investing in climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction – building up resilience in communities, countries and regions at risk – and by improving early warning and anticipatory humanitarian action, the world can avoid a future marked by escalating suffering and ballooning response costs.
Published in: The cost of doing nothing – The humanitarian price of climate change and how it can be avoided. Download at https://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/the-cost-of-doing-nothing
Copyright © International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2019

What is included in this report - IFRC

Description: In its latest report, The Cost of Doing Nothing, the IFRC presents an analysis showing that if no urgent action is taken now, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance annually due to the climate crisis could double by 2050. Similarly, financial costs could balloon to 20 billion US dollars per year. In contrast with this pessimistic scenario, the report also shows that, if appropriate climate adaptation measures are taken now, these figures could also stabilize, and even drop. By investing in climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction – building up resilience in communities, countries and regions at risk – and by improving early warning and anticipatory humanitarian action, the world can avoid a future marked by escalating suffering and ballooning response costs.
Published in: The cost of doing nothing – The humanitarian price of climate change and how it can be avoided. Download at https://media.ifrc.org/ifrc/the-cost-of-doing-nothing.
Copyright © International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Geneva, 2019

2 Sept 2019

Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône

Description: This book examines the issues at stake in transboundary water governance, it spotlights the Rhône River, a biophysical entity of enormous historical, political and economic importance. The Rhône has long been viewed essentially as a tool for energy production, heavily canalized and exploited by a series of dams and nuclear power plants – with the result that those who live along this great river have simply turned away.
Published in: Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône. Download at www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030195533
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub/Palgrave Macmillan, September 2019 

Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône

Description: This book examines the issues at stake in transboundary water governance, it spotlights the Rhône River, a biophysical entity of enormous historical, political and economic importance. The Rhône has long been viewed essentially as a tool for energy production, heavily canalized and exploited by a series of dams and nuclear power plants – with the result that those who live along this great river have simply turned away.
Published in: Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône. Download at www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030195533
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub/Palgrave Macmillan, September 2019

1 Sept 2019

Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône

Description: This book examines the issues at stake in transboundary water governance, it spotlights the Rhône River, a biophysical entity of enormous historical, political and economic importance. The Rhône has long been viewed essentially as a tool for energy production, heavily canalized and exploited by a series of dams and nuclear power plants – with the result that those who live along this great river have simply turned away.
Published in: Governance of a Transboundary River - The Rhône. Download at www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030195533
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub/Palgrave Macmillan, September 2019

1 Aug 2019

The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure and its Commentaries - Geneva Water Hub

 The Geneva List on the Protection of Water Infrastructure
Description: The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure is a reference document prepared for the use of parties to armed conflicts, international organizations, and other practitioners working in the contexts of armed conflicts, including in pre- and post-conflict situations. It is the first text that systematizes the main rules applicable to the protection of water infrastructure during armed conflicts, specifically in the conduct of hostilities, as well as in post-conflict situations and sets forth recommendations which go beyond existing law.
Published in: The Geneva List of Principles on the Protection of Water Infrastructure. Download at www.genevawaterhub.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/gva_list_of_principles_protection_water_infra_www.pdf
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, Geneva, August 2019

1 Mar 2019

Determined Steps - Geneva Water Hub

 Determined Steps

Description: This is a report about “determined steps” - the activities that followed the launch of the 2017 Report of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace. In 2017, the Panel decided to give its report a dramatic title “A Matter of Survival”, thereby emphasizing the urgency as well as the importance of international water cooperation. Consequently, and in sequence, the follow-up to the Panel’s report requires determined action. Hence the title “determined steps”.
Published in: Determined Steps - Follow-up activities and implementation of the recommendations of the Report of the Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace “A Matter of Survival”. Download at www.genevawaterhub.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/ghlp-wp_determinedsteps_report_www.pdf
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub, Geneva, March 2019