24 Mar 2015

The Geneva Water Actors in Numbers

DescriptionThe database leading to the following visuals aims at characterizing the main actors of the “Geneva international” in the water sector. As of early October 2014, the database counts 52 actors, characterized by 88 numeric and alpha-numeric variables. The three main data sources are Internet search, semi-directed interviews and various exchanges with certain actors. This collection is not exhaustive, and is still growing, but our analysis already leads to convincing results which can be interpreted as guidelines to focus the Geneva Water Hub’s activities. 
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

4 Mar 2015

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - The GAR at a Glance poster

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - The GAR at a Glance Poster
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - Executive Summary, The Pocket GAR

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - Executive Summary, The Pocket GAR
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.