30 Nov 2015

The Nansen Initiative – Examples of Cross-Border Disaster-Displacement


DescriptionExamples show countries that either received or did not return disaster-affected foreigners.
Published inThe Nansen Initiative – Disaster-Induced Cross-Border Displacement – Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displacement Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change – Volume 1. Download at https://disasterdisplacement.org/resources
Copyright © Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process, December 2015

The Nansen Initiative – Countries that Received and/or Did Not Return Disaster-Affected Foreigners


DescriptionThe Nansen Initiative found that at least 53 countries received and/or did not return foreigners in various types of disaster situations.
Published inThe Nansen Initiative – Disaster-Induced Cross-Border Displacement – Agenda for the Protection of Cross-Border Displacement Persons in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change – Volume 1. Download at https://disasterdisplacement.org/resources
Copyright © Platform on Disaster Displacement – the Nansen Initiative consultation process, December 2015

28 Sept 2015

Bassins versants des fleuves Sénégal et Niger

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

1 Sept 2015

Bassin versant du fleuve Sénégal

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Rhin

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Nil (zoom)

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Nil

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Niger

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Colorado

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Bassin versant du fleuve Mékong

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

20 Aug 2015

Hydropower Along the Nile

DescriptionThe following visuals highlight and help to better understand the hydropower expansion along the Nile River. The main factors explaining such development in the sector are: 1) Riparian countries lack access to grid electricity although demand is increasing with rising economies and population; 2) High hydropower potential with few existing infrastructure; 3) The Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) contributes to hydropower expansion by providing a forum for joint planning and cooperative development; 4) Availability of new funding sources from emerging powers (e.g. China, Turkey or Arab States). 
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

1 Aug 2015

Discussion - Co-evolutions Between Mega-Cities’ Development and the Vulnerability to Floods: Lessons from the Yangtze and the Yellow River

Description: Diversity in the type of impact - Each factor interacts on its own way with the variables of intensity of flood impact - There is no correlation between the variables of intensity of impacts. Public policies have to be put in their context - Take into account the geographic and socio-economic territories. Three characteristics to compare megacities worldwide
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Population Density - Co-evolutions Between Mega-Cities’ Development and the Vulnerability to Floods: Lessons from the Yangtze and the Yellow River

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Landcover - Co-evolutions Between Mega-Cities’ Development and the Vulnerability to Floods: Lessons from the Yangtze and the Yellow River

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

A Positive Relation Between Urban Characteristics and Vulnerability to Floods

Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Challenge Map - Co-evolutions Between Mega-Cities’ Development and the Vulnerability to Floods: Lessons from the Yangtze and the Yellow River

Description: Watersheds are socio-ecological systems: human-beings and the environment interact (co-evolution), thus, natural disasters and urbanisation co-evolve. Observations: population distribution disparities - widespread high density areas - downstream dams for protection, and upstream dams for hydropower. How are people affected by floods? Evaluation of megacities’ vulnerability to floods, variations on the profile of risk is observed on: - number of floods - type of impacts (deaths, affected, damages), what are linkages between megacities’ structural characteristics and their vulnerability to floods?
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

Context Map - Co-evolutions Between Mega-Cities’ Development and the Vulnerability to Floods: Lessons from the Yangtze and the Yellow River

Description: Territories stressed by floods, more and more urbanized world, insights from China and two watersheds (among the world’s biggest), a multitude of megacities and dams are observed (used for protection or electricity generation)
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

1 Jul 2015

The Reconfiguration of Water Policies in Central Asia: A Reflexion on the IWRM Implementation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan - Study Area Location

DescriptionIn the framework of Political Geography of Water, this contribution examines the logics of water policies implementation in Central Asia. Reflecting on the interactions between water policies, political power, and hydraulic territories, it analyzes the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation - the global water paradigm promoted by the development organizations since the mid-1990s - its logics and rationales, in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan at the basin / local level (Middle Zeravshan Valley, Uzbekistan / Arys Valley, Kazakhstan).
Published inPolicy Brief n°3 - The Reconfiguration of Water Policies in Central Asia: A Reflexion on the IWRM Implementation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, at http://bit.ly/1NNExBe
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

29 Apr 2015

Haïti, ensemble face aux risques

DescriptionHaïti est considéré comme l’un des pays les plus vulnérables aux catastrophes dans le monde. Avant le séisme dévastateur de 2010, l’indice de risque de catastrophes pour Haïti était déjà parmi les plus élevés. Cet indice tend à augmenter avec les conséquences des changements climatiques, la dégradation environnementale et le développement urbain anarchique. Tout évènement fragilise considérablement les ressources du pays, augmente la vulnérabilité de la population et aggrave l’impact de crises futures.
Published inwww.ht.undp.org
Copyright © Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement (PNUD, 2015).

24 Mar 2015

The Geneva Water Actors in Numbers

DescriptionThe database leading to the following visuals aims at characterizing the main actors of the “Geneva international” in the water sector. As of early October 2014, the database counts 52 actors, characterized by 88 numeric and alpha-numeric variables. The three main data sources are Internet search, semi-directed interviews and various exchanges with certain actors. This collection is not exhaustive, and is still growing, but our analysis already leads to convincing results which can be interpreted as guidelines to focus the Geneva Water Hub’s activities. 
Published in: The Geneva Water Hub on-line platform at www.genevawaterhub.org
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub

4 Mar 2015

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - The GAR at a Glance poster

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - The GAR at a Glance Poster
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - Executive Summary, The Pocket GAR

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - Executive Summary, The Pocket GAR
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management

DescriptionThe fourth edition of the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction is a resource for understanding and analysing global disaster risk today and in the future. It also contains HFA progress reports assessing national strategic priorities in the implementation of disaster risk reduction actions and establishes baselines on levels of progress achieved in implementing the HFA's five priorities for action. You can download from the full-report in English by clicking on the image above. 
Published in: 2015 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction - Making Development Sustainable: The Future of Disaster Risk Management
Copyright © United Nations 2015. All Rights Reserved.

17 Feb 2015

Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit relatif aux utilisations des cours d’eau internationaux à des fins autres que la navigation, New York, 21 May 1997

DescriptionThe entry into force of the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (United Nations 1997 Convention) on 17 August 2014 constitutes a major milestone for water international law development. This Convention was adopted on 21 May 1997 by the United Nations’ Member States of the General Assembly. Seventeen years were necessary for thirty five countries to ratify it as stipulated by Article 36 of the Convention1. The extended elaboration process of the Convention within the United Nations, from 1974 to 1997, as well as the delay before its entry into force, reflects the reluctances of Member States to be tied by a universal framework in terms of the management and protection of international watercourses.
Status as of March 2015
Published inPolicy Brief n°2 - Entry into force of the Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses (1997) at http://bit.ly/1FmZT3Y
Copyright © Geneva Water Hub