1 Sept 2011

UN Haiti Fast Fact - Debris 2011: Time for Recovery

DescriptionThe 12 January 2010 earthquake created an estimated 10 million m3 of debris. The Government of Haiti (GoH) has identified debris removal and management as one of the top priorities for the recovery process. Around two million m3 of debris were removed in 2010. The objectives agreed by the Ministry of Public Works (MTPTC) and the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) aim at managing a further four million m3 of debris in 2011. In support of this target, the United Nations (UN), as an active member of the Debris Management Working Group (DMWG), a coordination platform for international and national actors working in debris management, is assisting the GoH to finalize a National Debris Management Strategy and to establish adequate information, standardization and tracking mechanisms for debris removal and recycling.
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