1 Nov 2007

Déchêts Nucléaires: La Situation Est-Elle Sous Contrôle?

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Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Average CO2 Emissions of New Passenger Cars Sold in the EU-15

Description: CO2 emissions from new passenger cars sold in the EU-15 are declining. Emissions from diesel cars were reduced by 12.3% between 1995 and 2003 and emissions from petrol cars have been reduced by 9.5%. However, the number of cars greatly increased between 1980 and 2000. In Portugal it increased four-fold, three-fold in Greece, and by 39% in Switzerland to reach 523 cars per thousand inhabitants in 2006. Manufacturers are committed to limiting the CO2 emissions of new passenger cars sold in the EU to 140 g/km by 2008 and to 130 g/km by 2010.
Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Emissions of CO2 by European Transport Means

Description: When comparing air emissions from different domestic (internal) transport means, road is by far the largest source of such emissions. In 2004, CO2 emissions from road transport in Europe were more than 20 times those from rail and domestic air transport together (data on emissions from international flights are not available). The use of less polluting renewable energy sources - such as solar, wind, hydropower or biomass - depends on their immediate availability/generation, and therefore their consumption cannot exceed production. Fossil fuels such as petroleum are the result of geological processes that took place over millions of years. However, they are being exhausted relatively quickly and are not renewable. At the same time, their use is increasing noxious air emissions. Particular care should be taken to maintain and develop environmentally-friendly infrastructures, keeping in mind their environmental performances to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels
Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

EU-15 Energy Consumption by Sector

Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Freight Transport Mode Share in France

Description: This graph shows that in France, the share of road transport increased over time to the detriment of rail traffic. The map shows that the share of internal road freight is much higher in Western Europe, where exchange with neighbouring countries has been systematic for a longer period. With the EU’s territory increasing, land planning strategies must be optimized in order to minimize distances between production centres and consumption areas.
Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Share of Internal Rail Freight Transport, Total Freight Volume Per Capita

Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Share of Internal Rail Freight Transport

Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Share of Internal Freight Transport Type

Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Road Transport in Europe, 2003

Description: This map shows that in general, risk related to sedimentation is either linked with land clearing and deforestation leading to high runoff rates, or discharges from major water systems.
Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

Freight Transport in Europe, Total Volume Per Capita

Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.

European Freight Corridors, Tunnels and Passes

Description: This map shows that in general, risk related to sedimentation is either linked with land clearing and deforestation leading to high runoff rates, or discharges from major water systems.
Published in: "The Environmental Price to Pay for Heavy Goods Traffic", Environment Alert Bulletins, Nov. 2007
Copyright © UNEP/DEWA/GRID-Geneva. All Rights Reserved.