1 Jan 2002

Number of Disasters Attributed to Floods, 1975-2001

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

Disaster Losses, Total and as Share of GDP, in the Richest and Poorest Nations, 1985-1999

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

Number of People Killed in Floods by Income Class, 1975-2001

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

World Overview from 1975-2000 of Number of People Affected Categorized by Income Class and Disaster Type

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

Number of People Killed in Floods, 1975-2001

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

Number of Great Natural Catastrophes from 1950-2001

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.

World Economic Losses from 1950-2002 for Great Natural Catastrophes

Published in: "Guidelines for Reducing Flood Losses", 2002.
Copyright © United Nations. All Rights Reserved.